Her Gentle Habits Bundle

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Her Gentle Habits Bundle is for when she needs some little pockets of time to be slow, time to anchor, nurture and return to self.

**Founder Favourite**
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Her Gentle Habits Bundle is for when she needs some little pockets of time to be slow, time to anchor, nurture and return to self.

**Founder Favourite**

Australian brand, Gentle Habits, is all about inspiring daily rituals that unlock the capacity to feel present and grounded and rather than giving advice, they believe that we have the answers within (we just need the time and space to connect back in and hear them).

The bundle includes:

  • This Is Incense (in best seller, Byron Bay)
  • Positive Outcomes Journal (it takes 66 days to create a habit, so this journal has 66 pages)
  • White Ceramic Clip Incense Holder

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