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Revealing your expericences and what helped: More real, less fake.
In our pursuit to design and build our Helpful gifting platform, we've spoken to hundreds of women to understand their experiences, and what helped them through (or what would have). And we're not just talking about the big milestones, we're interested in the moments in between too. You know them; the moments when life truly happens.
And whilst the stories are wildly different, so much is shared. So here's me sharing our collective dualities of reality.
Here are your words…
I can’t live without her but I miss life before her. I want a full life, but I want my to-do list to disappear. I want to spend my spare time with him, but I want time to myself. I don’t want to be the glue for everyone around me, but I want to be the one who holds it all together. I need time with my friends but I can't find any spare. I want to make plans on a whim, but I need a schedule. I am resentful but I am grateful. I am strong but I am drowning. I want to help but I don't know how to. I find it hard but others find it easy. I am doing it tough but not as tough as others. I am motivated but I am tired. I am scared, but I am the voice in their lives assuring them that they don't need to be. I need help but I don’t know how to ask for it. I want a career, but I don’t want to miss a moment at home. I am lonely but surrounded. It wasn’t my doing, but I feel guilty. I want equality but also the celebrated understanding that we’re different. I want her to still be here, but I don’t want her to suffer anymore. I don’t want to age, but know that I'll be lucky if I get to. I celebrate women who embrace their authentic selves, but I want work done. I want another baby but I don't want to stop working. I want wine but I don’t want to drink. I want to show up for them, but I struggle to show up for myself.
I am uncomfortable here, but I am exactly where I am supposed to be.